Thursday, October 6, 2011

this one time it snowed in october.

no lie. it snowed today. it was Rexburg's way of saying "welcome, Kayleigh. so glad you're here." how rude, right?!

I found an upside to the cold wet weather though: HOT CHOCOLATE :)
My awesome friend Kelsey and I went to the Cocoa Bean for cupcakes and hot chocolate and girltalk today, and it was amazing, if I do say so myself. I love that girl with all my heart! She is just so cute and we always have such a great time together :)

this one time i made a blog.

apparently i blog now.
today at 2:41 pm, i got a text message from my dear friend Hailey Knight that said these words exactly:
"Girl, you need a blog."
and because blogging sounds so much more fun than memorizing the suture points in a human skull, i obliged.
and a new blog was born.